As a young business with an evolving series of financial decisions and cross-roads to navigate, I have always paid top dollar for team members that not only produce a quality product but are committed to being part of a collaborative work environment and take an active role in our evolution.

I won't lie, there have been weeks where this has been a sobering check to write, however, I look at the collective group of people that work with me, how far we have grown in a short period of time and I realize, it is the best business investment I could ever make.

In reports and articles on this topic, the focus is usually on the responsibility companies have to pay a fair wage. Those are important insights, but there is also another perspective; paying a fair wage empowers a person to take initiative, and reminds them of the value of their contributions. 

As we continue to grow and take on new challenges our hope is that the relationship between our team and business continue to be mutually beneficial

In the meantime, stop by our store at 203 South Main Street, Gordonsville, VA!

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